Rodney Gilbert
Class: RELN 2110 Introduction to Biblical Literature
Cohort: Alpha A 119
Instructor: Jim Conrad
“Today’s New International Version”
The purpose of this paper is to provide a little background and history into the biblical translation known as “Today’s New International Version”. There are many issues brought forth by several organizations in regards to the translation in comparison to more favorable translations like the King James Version and the New International Version. Included in this paper will be a brief history of the translation, discussion of the issues that are causing controversy, and a few personal reflections on the matter. After reading this paper a more open and honest attitude in reference to the issues at the base of this controversy may be reflected by the reader. If so, then the purpose of this paper will have been met and should, coherently, include an enlightening interpretation of “Today’s New International Version.”
In order to present the history of the translation at hand, the first point of relevance is the fact that the TNIV was constructed from the basis of the NIV. In 1967 the International Bible Society announced the need and made an effort to translate the Bible and it’s English of the 1600’s into a more contemporary and accurate volume pertaining to the world and language of that day. After partnering with Zondervan, a Christian publisher, the completion of the NIV was announced in 1978. Faced with opposition from some religious leaders who felt certain passages were being taken out of context by changing certain gende ...