Project Management

Magic Johnson's foundation use nontraditional marketing strategy to attract people of interest to support the cause of disadvantage youth and adults in different urban communities. The major issues facing urban residents are quality of education, affordable access (including transportation) to information, safe and secure learning environments, and access to business and high-tech job opportunities.
In 2001 the Magic Johnson Foundation launched a digital divide program in Los Angeles and has since opened 21 centers in 17 urban markets. In collaboration with the South Carolina Department of Commerce, an additional 4 centers are scheduled to open by 3rd quarter 2006 in South Carolina which will positively impact 200,000 South Carolinians to expand our program into rural markets. Centers which previously placed focus exclusively on technology have now expanded educational content and courses offering with programs that address the socioeconomic needs that impact the poor in urban distressed communities. Magic Johnson Community Empowerment Centers are comprehensive one-stop resource centers where community residents are provided with the educational tools and resources to empower themselves and their families as well as strengthen the communities in which they reside. Above and beyond technology program participants are also provided access to, life skills development (
We have taken a holistic approach to creating sustainable partnerships by leveraging the effectiveness of our grant recipients with local corporate, state and federal agencies that have a shared vision of self empowerment for better community. Each organization is a qualifying 501 c ...
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