Project Proposal
Our initial Statement of Need showed the City of Lompoc having many neighborhoods without parks. There were no neighborhood parks where the children of the community could congregate and have picnics and barbeques. The Lompoc city Council decided to budget for the landscaping and construction of two community parks. One would be located on the North East and one located on the South East side of the city. Providing the additional city parks would enable communities from both sides to have team sports for the children of the community as well as helping the city in a beautification and upgrading process. Not only would the parks be functional by providing recreational benefits to the community, but it would also beautify the city by providing trees and shrubbery to areas that are currently empty lots with little or no vegetation. The City Council voted to budget for two community parks over a five year period which made the start schedule of the project for April of 2007.
Stakeholders were initially identified as being the following:
The City Council who voted the budget for the projects and will remain concerned with the budget throughout the project.
The neighborhood residents involved within the two neighboring areas will be interested in seeing the parks built for their own personal recreational uses and knowing that their city tax dollars will be spent on a worthwhile project.
The landscape company hired to do the project will have a large interest as these projects will bring revenues into their company as well as the potential for future projects, depending on the company's ultimate performance.
The local nurseries who will be ...