Project Management

Running head: PROJECT MANAGEMENT    

Behavioral Aspects of Project Management

MGT573--Project Management in the Business Environment
May 8, 2006
The people process part of project management is one of the most difficult facets yet key contributors to failure related to a project.  The process for selecting the project manager and team members is critical.  They need to be able to facilitate meetings, track tasks versus issues, establish the primary issue related to a conflict, the ability to empower team members and avoid "scope creep" (HIMSS 2000).  These people need to have excellent communication skills that will facilitate the relationship among the various team members to achieve the goals of the project.  The focus with project management tends to be tentative to tasks, critical paths, and the connection to those functions and ignore the people factor that is critical for success, not enough time is spent (HIMSS 2000).  To be successful at project management it is vital to have a strong skill set for both task and people supervisory skills.  A wide variety of meetings are held that pay attention to the tasks and the budget management related to the project (Michael Schmidt, 2003).  The human factor can at times be ignored, while it requires special attention and strategies to be successful in implementing a new project. The primary plans that have a successful track record have been founded on a quality improvement process.  For a project to be successful they must be able to effectively manage the tasks, budget, and people related to the project (Michael Schmidt, 2003).  The purpose of this paper is to explore how organizational culture and human b ...
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