Project Management

Family Fun Night Project Plan Overview
Executive Summary
    The principal of Eisenhower Elementary School has requested that the Eisenhower Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) sponsor a Family Fun Night at the school in the spring of 2008. This event will provide an opportunity to get the students and their parents involved in the school sponsored activity and will be a major fundraiser for the school. In order for this event to be successful, there will need to be a detailed project plan and community support will need to be solicited early on and throughout the project.
Description of the Project
    The project will consist of providing an affordable event in a safe environment where the students can participate in fun carnival style games that are suited for elementary aged school children. A prize room will be set up so that the students can take home a souvenir of the Family Fun Night. The project will also include a silent auction, bake sale, and a pizza dinner. All the events will be geared towards bringing the students and their families together for an evening of inexpensive fun and community involvement.
The Result Statement
    By sponsoring the Family Fun Night, the PTO hopes to achieve three goals:
?    Raise money to be used to purchase items for the students' classrooms and sponsor recreational activities such as field trips that the school's current budget is unable to provide.
?    Increase family and community support and involvement, and extend awareness of our school, its programs, and its worth within the community at large.
?    Provide the students and their families with an affordable evening in a safe environment where they can ...
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