Project Management


Project Plan Overview

The Demar Modular Relocatable Classrooms Corporation is a leading company in relocatable classrooms. The company has a fleet of 27,000 mobile structures and their main focus is customer service. The company offers a full range of capabilities to ensure that leasing or purchasing of their modular structures will be an experience that is easy and pleasant for everyone involved. Due the recent hurricane disasters many of the schools in Munford Alabama, was destroyed and left thousands of school-aged children displaced. The school board had no idea of how to keep the children in a school before the reconstruction of the schools could be rebuilt, which would cost millions of dollars. Relocatable classrooms from a district's point of view have two advantages: cost and the short time between specification and occupancy. Demar Corporation proposed that the districts lease some of the modulars until the company was able to build just what they needed to their specifications. (Washington Schools, 2004).
Project plan
The purpose of this project is to diminish the fear of having school children go without an education for months, even years before the districts can rebuild schools for them to attend. The relocatable buildings will be brought to the districts as needed to fulfill the needs of students and teachers. Theses relocatable classrooms are facilities that can be moved from school site to another. Relocatable buildings will be used to accommodate enrollment fluctuations once in place and meet the school's entitlements. (School facilities, 2005). The project plan will consist of stakeholders, the school board, local business representatives, government agencies and th ...
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