Product Life Cycle

Development of the iPod:  The iPod is a portable digital music player that holds up to ten thousand songs in a small, hand-held device that is lighter and thinner than two CD cases.  iPod features a touch-sensitive navigational wheel and buttons, and an intuitive interface designed for one-handed operation.  Songs are stored in several digital audio formats, delivering the highest sound quality.  The iPod was born out of the idea dreamed up by Tony Fadell, an independent contractor and hardware expert, to take an MP3 player, build a Napster music sale service to complement it, and build a company around it.  Fadell shopped the idea around to several companies and was turned away by all of them, except Apple.  Apple hired Fadell in early 2001 and assigned him a team of about 30 people to develop the iPod.  Fadell predicted that the iPod would remold Apple and that 10 years from now it would be a music business, rather than a computer business.  

Introduction of the iPod:  The iPod was introduced into the market just in time for Christmas, 2001.  The first iPod was priced at $399.  Apple relied on a hard disk for storage instead of flash memory or interchangeable CD-Roms and focused on promoting the uniqueness of the small size, power, and ease of use of the device.  This first iPod had a 5 GB storage capacity?which is enough to hold over 1,000 songs?and it worked only on Macs, using iTunes as a music organization and CD-to-iPod conversion tool.  iTunes, digital jukebox software that let Mac users import songs from CDs by converting audio files to the MP3 format and storing them on the computer's hard drive, was introduced in January of 2001.  Along with the iPod, Apple announced an enhanced vers ...
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