Littlefield Simulation

Little Field Simulation

Going into this game our strategy was to keep track of the utilization for each machine and the customer order queue.  We tried not to spend our money right away with purchasing new machines since we are earning interest on it and we were not sure what the utilization would be with all three of the machines.  However, when the utilization was high than we didn’t hesitate to purchase additional machines so that it wouldn’t create slack time for orders waiting in the queue.

Day 50-
We purchased machine 1 (Board Stuffing Machine) because the utilization for this machine before it was purchased it was ranging anywhere from 85-100%.  The day it was purchased it was being utilized 100%.  Since adding the second board stuffing machine we haven't had any orders out past the quoted lead time - about .64 days for the high peak on lead time. Station two (Testing Machine) and three (Tuning Machine) had some slack time, but once we purchased another board stuffing then the  utilization increased each day with both station two and three.

Day 128-
A third boarding stuffing machine was purchased because our revenues have been down for days to about $500. The queue for station one had over 1000 items waiting and it has been running at 100% utilization for days. Our lead time was up to almost 2 days to complete a job. We were getting 15 orders a day but only shipping out around 9 a day. We still have one more simulated month of increase in demand and then that high demand will stay for two more simulated months and the decline will only follow after.

Day 137-
The concern is that even with the third board stuffing machine, station 1 is still ...
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