Human Resource Management

Human resource management, regardless of nature and size, is a strategic and coherent approach to management of an organization’s valued assets, in the most effective and productive manner through the people, individually or collectively on their own collaboration with technology and resources to achieve its objectives, emphasizing on strategic management of people to integrate with the HR strategy and employment policies and practices, achieving high performance through the people, ensuring commitment and engagement with the right resources and support for avenues for expression. (Storey, 1995)

    Organization achieves its objectives by taking initiatives and providing guidance and support on all matters related to their employees, (Armstrong, 2003) effectively with everything that concerns the employment and the development of the employees, the good rapport that exist between the management and the workforce, and helping people to make use of their abilities and to realize their potential and their benefit to the organization.

    The four principal roles, management of strategic HR, firm infrastructure, employee contribution, and transformation and change. Management of strategic HR focuses on aligning HR strategies and practices ensure the success of business strategies. Firm infrastructure, which is to create an organizational infrastructure that requires HR professionals to design and deliver efficient HR processes, managing the flow of employees through the organization. Thirdly, HR professionals have to be able to demonstrate the change within their own functions, setting an example for the rest of the people in the organization. Rather than just preaching, they need to be able to live and experience first hand the l ...
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