Conflict Management

Conflict Management

To avoid conflicts the management should develop an effective way to manage and handle the situation.  The problem must be brought to the manager's attention immediately.  The manager should effectively stop all problems that are work related even before they start.  If the management is well organized and there is a very stable head the problems will be dealt with successfully. Communication is another very important factor that can cause problems in the work place. Research indicates that the number one cause of conflict and low morale at work is the way people communicate with each other, and particularly the way managers communicate with the employees. Interpersonal communication is the most important skill for people to succeed at work, and off work as well. Communication cannot improve without first understanding how to communicate, and how others relate to communication.
The power of the team and company should be celebrated.  Retreats and outdoor office trips are the perfect get away from the regular hush of the office.  Away from the office environment, it will give the employees an opportunity to renew strong relationships that tap into the strength of the group. Programs should be invoked to stop all sorts of sexual, hostililty, violence, and conflict resolution etc. The end result of this powerful program of education and communication is not just better protection for your organization and a respectful workplace for all employees, but also a marked boost to teamwork, better employee relations and retention, and improved overall performance.
Team intervention is a must.  It unlocks the power of the team and it gives the opportunity to mediate and negotiate issues. This results in a detailed actio ...
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