Coca Cola

Swot Analysis For Coca-Cola

Here we will analyse the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Coca-Cola. The strengths and weaknesses will be internal to Coca-cola and the opportunities and threats will be external to Coca-Cola.

Strengths Weaknesses

?-Most recognized brand name in the world
?-Various types of packaging
?-Consumer loyalty
?-Largest market share in the soft drinks market
?-High sugar and caffeine content
?-Declining trend in profits
?-Some large retailers have exclusive contracts with Pepsi and don't stock Coke i.e. KFC
Opportunities Threats

?-Expansion into third world countries where there is no current presence
?-Healthy energy drinks i.e. to compete with Lucozade
?-Middle east boycotting US brands
?-Western attitude against capitalism
?-New cheaper brands of cola i.e. Virgin Cola


Most recognized brand name in the world

Recent research shows that Coca-Cola is the largest consumer brand name in the world. The popularity of the product means that most of the population globally know about the product. As a result, Coca-Cola is now in a position where it does not have to spend as heavily on creating a brand image since it is a very established product.

Various types of packaging

Coca Cola has various methods of packaging such as can, plastic bottles, glass bottles etc. This means that Coke has enough variety within is product packaging range to meet the various demands of its consumers

Consumer loyalty

Due to the high caffeine level and the distinct taste and brand image, the customer loyalty for Coke is very high. Coke is perceived as the most premium product within the cola i ...
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