Case study

Medtronic was founded on April 29, 1949 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and today employees more than 32,000 people. Medtronic is a global leader in medical technology - alleviating pain, restoring health and extending life for millions of people around the world. Medtronic delivers and sells their products and technology to a large number of government clients, such as military and U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs hospitals (3Delta Systems, 2005).
Statement of Problem
The consumers of Medtronic requested the company pass level-3 data for two key reasons; First, the transaction data is used to reconcile invoices and payment information on the back end. Secondly, transactions processed with level-3 can cost much less than processing a Purchase Card transaction with only Level-1 or Level-2 information (3Delta Systems, 2005).
Summary of Facts
Medtronic issued a Request for Proposal and 3Delta Systems was selected as the best processor to support their unique Level-3 processing needs. Medtronic customers now receive the best processing rate for using level-3 data, often a savings of 30% or more. Additionally, the Level-3 information provides increased customer satisfaction by delivering critical invoice information about the items purchased such as Item Part Number, Description, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Price and more. Medtronic transfers their high-volume files via FTP protocol daily. The 3Delta system gateway automatically processes the file and returns responses to the Medtronic internal computer system (3Delta Systems, 2005).

Implementing 3Delta system’s processing solutions allowed Medtronic to retain their government client-base, as the government is mandating or strongly recommending the use of Leve ...
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