Case Study

Who says rainy days and Mondays can get you down? It's Monday and raining, and I'm on top of the world! On Saturday I got engaged, on Sunday we found a house that we're going to bid on this coming weekend, today is the first day of my promotion to executive assistant to the chief executive officer (CEO), and this coming Saturday I'm graduating, having completed my bachelors at the University of Phoenix. Oh yeah! "Let it pour," I yell to myself as I pull into the hospital's parking lot.
In fact, rain is good! Why do they always call anything but sunshine "bad weather"? After such a long dry spell, we need the moisture. It helps the crops grow, cleans the air, and fills the lakes. So, all the eaters, breathers, and water drinkers--that should cover us all--can't live without it. Bad weather? What kind of thinking is that? Uh, oh! My thinking is bouncing around like the waves of the puddle I just stepped in.
Greetings and best wishes surround me as I make my way to the executive offices--my new place of employment. I discover my office to be a single desk in space shared with the CEO's administrative assistant (AA). No problem! The AA is a great person, with a positive attitude, a good thinker, and very efficient. We'll work well together.
"Good morning. Your new business cards are on your desk; here's a writing pad, and the boss wants to see you in the executive meeting room ASAP," shoots out of the AA's mouth as if from an automatic weapon. I throw my attaché case "on" my office--the desk--grab one of my new business cards, and hustle to the meeting room. I take a quick look at my card. There it is: Chris Smith, Executive Assistant, Faith Community Hospital.
As I reach for the door handle, it seems unusually low. I must be walking above the clouds. My mom ...
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