Case Study Analysis
ABC, Inc. recruiter Carl Robins has been given the task of recruiting new hires for his company. With only a few months experience himself, Carl has hired 15 new employees to work for Monica Carroll's. Carl's responsibilities include organizing information and preparing for employees orientation to take place on June 15, so that the new hires are ready for work by the beginning of July. With only two weeks left Carl has discovered numerous problems with orientation, application, drug screening, and lack of training room. Carl is becoming panicked and wants to know what to do next.
ABC, Inc. has many complex problems going on behind the scenes with the new hire orientation. There is a current situation that has created some serious issues involving Carl, Monica, Carl's boss, and the new hires. By addressing the more critical underlying organizational issues such as poor inter-company communication, weak procedural structure, and lack of departmental accountability, future situations will be handled more productively for the company.
Communication is a priority problem for this company. There has only been one occasion when anyone of higher management has checked on Carl's progress. Monica has made only one phone call to see how the progress is going. She may not be in a hurry to get these new employees working or she has a great deal of confidence in Carl's first assignment. Where is Carl's manager during this whole time frame? For Carl's first large recruitment assignment someone should be watching over his shoulder for guidance. Carl does not appear fully trained, has Carl communicated to anyone for assistance? Some of the tasks needing accomplished can be delegated out to assist ...