Case Study

Learning Team Case Study
Team A selected a situation that Shannon Payne is currently experiencing at her workplace. The problem is with the two-person accounting department where the person in charge has poor interpersonal communication skills and the other member of the accounting department just fills in as-needed. The problem occurred when the company had some problems with the company's credit card; therefore, causing problems with ordering parts as well as using UPS to ship and receive packages. The problem was so severe that the company had to start using FedEx because the UPS account was not being paid. The FedEx alternative was more expensive for the company also. The problem in the accounting department was finally sorted out, but it did cause a lot of frustration and embarrassment for the company as well as the employees. Because of this problem, orders had to be placed again and Shannon felt that the situation wound up reflecting poorly on the company, as well as herself as an employee.
First, we must identify the problem that Shannon and the other personnel are facing in the organization. At times we may come in contact with individuals that consider themselves fully qualified to perform the duties set before them; however, this presents a situation where you may have to get the job done yourself to ensure it is done correctly.
The company has been told by the vendors that their payment was not made; therefore, UPS has suspended their account until unpaid items are rectified. Due to this inconvenience, the company had to contact a different shipping organization, FedEx, and pay their inflated prices in order to ship their packages at the end of each day. Embarrassment has settled in with the individuals that are ordering the parts and som ...
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