"Building A Culture For Sustaining Change" Simulation

"Building a Culture for Sustaining Change" Simulation
Carl V. Gibson
Bruce W. Webb
June 8, 2007

To see success in the CrysTel initiative, a new frontier in understanding organizational change is necessary to translate successfully implemented changes into real organizational benefits. This can be accomplished through a systematic analysis of "cross level linkages," connections between departments or business units and the organization as a whole. This paper will present three leadership theories believed to be most effective for CrysTel's change initiative. Each style will be compared to others chosen and some not chosen. Strengths and weaknesses of each style will also be presented as will recommendations for further success.

"Building a Culture for Sustaining Change" Simulation
Achieving organizational change that produces real results is not just a managerial challenge; it is also a cognitive challenge. As Peter Senge stated in an article on leadership "deep organizational change requires a change in people. Redrawing the lines and boxes in your org chart without addressing the way people within the organization interact may be like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" (1996). Leaders find it easier to address tasks rather than the complex dynamics of human interactions. The outcome of which is a focus on the short-term and local not the longer-term and global results from change.
Since managers cannot manage what they give little attention to, a paradox is widespread across all forms of organizational change: changes that successfully improve performance in one part of the firm often fail to translate into gains in firm level performance. This is the challenge in the simulation t ...
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