“Althoug Counterfeiting Is Illegal, It Is Not Harmful And In Fact Promotes Trade”

“Although counterfeiting is illegal,
it is not harmful and in fact promotes trade”

1. Counterfeiting and economic matters.

• Legality doesn’t always mean legitimacy, why counterfeiting is illegal ? Intellectual property, copyright system. (4)
• Contribute to advertise and promote brands and goods ? Hurts corporate image of companies and generates high losts (2) (values, qualities, image, reliability, attributes in the mind of consumers) (on the Internet: pornographic, violent websites)
• Fuel the black market (illegal labour force, money transactions), not the real economy. (3)

2. Counterfeiting and people.

• Do people like it ? bargain against quality disappointment and health wounds (4)
• Children labour, unemployment (4), health (4), drugs and people traffics (5) and other human and social consequences.
• comsumption power of people (savings, access to larger array of products)
• Home made copies and fakes: Are we all counterfeiters ? (1)

Personal opinion

• Can we still base our model of fighting counterfeiting on the defence of the intellectual property and the copyright ? Do regional / national policies and fighting are enough to erase the market of counterfeit ? (4)
• Who is responsible ? (people, counterfeiters, governments, companies)


Committee on Technologies to Deter Currency Counterfeiting, Board on Manufacturing and Engineering Design, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences (2006) Is that real? : identification and assessment of the counterfeiting threat for U.S. banknotes. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.

Murray, Brian H. (2004) Defending the brand : aggressive strategies for protecting your brand in the ...
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