“Although counterfeiting is illegal,
it is not harmful and in fact promotes trade”
1. Counterfeiting and economic matters.
• Legality doesn’t always mean legitimacy, why counterfeiting is illegal ? Intellectual property, copyright system. (4)
• Contribute to advertise and promote brands and goods ? Hurts corporate image of companies and generates high losts (2) (values, qualities, image, reliability, attributes in the mind of consumers) (on the Internet: pornographic, violent websites)
• Fuel the black market (illegal labour force, money transactions), not the real economy. (3)
2. Counterfeiting and people.
• Do people like it ? bargain against quality disappointment and health wounds (4)
• Children labour, unemployment (4), health (4), drugs and people traffics (5) and other human and social consequences.
• comsumption power of people (savings, access to larger array of products)
• Home made copies and fakes: Are we all counterfeiters ? (1)
Personal opinion
• Can we still base our model of fighting counterfeiting on the defence of the intellectual property and the copyright ? Do regional / national policies and fighting are enough to erase the market of counterfeit ? (4)
• Who is responsible ? (people, counterfeiters, governments, companies)
Committee on Technologies to Deter Currency Counterfeiting, Board on Manufacturing and Engineering Design, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences (2006) Is that real? : identification and assessment of the counterfeiting threat for U.S. banknotes. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Murray, Brian H. (2004) Defending the brand : aggressive strategies for protecting your brand in the ...