(AE) American Eagle Target Market

American Eagle Outfitters has changed quite a bit since 1977, which is when they started to become a well-known clothing company. Back then, American Eagle or AE was a store that mainly sold outdoor gear. Today, AE sells jeans, hoodies, graphic tees, pajamas, shoes, jewelry, and much more. The style of the clothing can be described as preppy, trendy, "vintage", and athletic.
Since the style of the merchandise is very trendy, the target market for American Eagle is a young adult. These young adults range from 15 to 25 in age. AE reaches out to both male and female shoppers with a clothing line for each, as well as shoes, underwear, fragrances, belts, and jewelry. Any ethnicity can be seen shopping at American Eagle; it is geared toward everyone no matter what race or gender you are. Celebrities such as Justin Timberlake, Drew Barrymore, Ben Lee, and The All American Rejects are also known to wear American Eagle clothes. AE has also provided wardrobe for MTV's reality shows The Real World and Road Rules. The prices at AE are moderate, although some items can be a little overpriced. If you compare AE's prices to their competitor's, you will see that Aeropostle is cheaper in price and Abercrombie & Fitch is more expensive, so American Eagle is somewhere in between.
As it turns out, American Eagle Outfitters is even more popular than I ever knew. It seems like almost everyone (in the appropriate age range) owns something with the AE logo on it....
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