?A Discussion Of The Advances Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd) Management And The Lessons Ap

A Discussion Of The Advances Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd) Management And The Lessons Applicable To Future Occupational Stress Management'.

?A discussion of the advances of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) management and the lessons applicable to future Occupational Stress management'.

Health and Safety in the workplace has become more prolific over the past 25 years. The strength of the unions and increased public awareness of corporate responsibility have demanded that organisations accept a greater responsibility for the health and safety of their employees. Whilst progress is being made, the wealth of compensation claims and massive corporate fines for negligence, however, suggests that health and safety has yet to reach the top of the priority list for some organisations. In fact, a 2001 Canadian Human Resource (HR) Reporter's survey of HR professionals indicated that only 30% ranked health and safety and 16% ranked wellness as being ?very important'. More recently, the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) published their Value of Health and Safety Report (2005) highlighting that most health and safety professionals spend less than a quarter of their time tackling occupational health issues; one of which is occupational stress. These reports not only indicate the low commitment from HR practitioners towards health and safety, it also identifies a more worrying position for occupational health.

Organisations with a poor occupational health record face problems associated with absenteeism and the threat of compensation related legal action. The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development Absence Management Survey (2005), indicates sickness absence accoun ...
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